Operations on Data Structures.
Operations on Data Structures. What are the various operations that can be performed on different Data Structures? Different data structures support different types of operations. Here are some examples: Arrays: Insertion: Add an element to the end or at a specific index. Deletion: Remove an element from a specific index or the end. Access: Get the value of an element at a specific index. Search: Find the index of an element with a specific value. Sorting: Arrange the elements in ascending or descending order. Traversal: Iterate through all the elements of the array. Linked lists: Insertion: Add a node to the beginning, end, or at a specific position. Deletion: Remove a node from the beginning, end, or a specific position. Access: Traverse the list to get the value of a node at a specific position. Search: Find the node with a specific value. Traversal: Iterate through all the nodes of the list. Stacks: Push: Add an element to the top of the stack. Pop: Remove the top element from...